Hello, I’m Ying.
A multidisciplinary product designer with experience in enterprise application design, human-computer interaction research, and technical communication.
An enthusiastic design thinking practitioner.
Currently designing payroll hyperscale experience at Ceridian.

Based in Vancouver, Canada

Intervention Value

Opening the “black box” of Copperleaf asset modeling

#ProductDiscovery #ProductDesign #SaaS #B2B

Proposed Projects

Making it easier for asset managers to manage candidate investment projects

#ProductDesign #PredictiveAnalytics #SaaS #B2B

Level Borrower Portal

Enabling borrowers to share bank statements with their brokers with just a few clicks

#ProductDesign #VisualDesign #SaaS #B2C #FinTech

Framework Designer

Empowering users to edit Value Frameworks and create new ones on a GUI

#ProductDesign #DesignSystem #SaaS #B2B